Laurel Links Newsletter
Spring 2024 Newsletter
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Fall 2023 Newsletter
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Spring 2023 Newsletter
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Fall 2022 Newsletter
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UEN Updates: Welcome to the Fall 2022 edition of Laurel Links! As you read the articles, you will learn about many of the good things that are happening in our member schools. It has been a busy fall, kicked off with the student retreat offered on the campus of Brescia University in Owensboro, Kentucky! We held an in-person trustee meeting in Cincinnati where our trustees were welcomed on three separate campuses. A special thank you to Ursuline Academy, Saint Ursula Academy and St. Ursula Villa for their warm and welcoming hospitality! The trustee meetings allow us to connect with and visit other schools, deepen relationships with those who share similar responsibilities, and work together in committee as we determine future UEN opportunities.
Peggy and I were able to travel to see all UEN member schools in Ohio following the trustee meeting. In our administrative meetings, we discussed how to improve existing student programs, learned which professional development programs would be beneficial to the schools, and reviewed the UEN strategic initiatives. It was a whirlwind, to be sure, but such a blessing to visit the schools.
This edition welcomes our newest member to Ursuline Education Network, Ursuline High School of Youngstown, Ohio. Earlier this year we welcomed Ursuline High School in Wimbledon, England and Cleveland’s Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School. UEN is on the move!!! To all of you involved in Ursuline education, thank you so very much for all that you do!
Spring 2022 Newsletter
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UEN Updates: Busy, busy, busy! I suspect that describes the daily lives of each of our Ursuline educators as well as their students. Spring is always such a busy time….filled with events that happen only once an academic year, but how satisfying each of those events can be to everyone! Students are completing the second semester of this year, teachers are pushing toward the deadlines imposed by their curriculum, and parents anxiously await the events which signify the “next steps”! As always, our prayers are with you each day!
With this newsletter, we officially welcome Ursuline High School of Wimbledon as the newest members of Ursuline Education Network. Julia Waters, who serves as the head of school, met with the Board of Trustees via ZOOM to introduce us to the school, to familiarize us with their unique curriculum, to propose some challenges she anticipates in the future, and to joyfully proclaim the expectations she has of their membership in UEN. It is such a blessing to have them join our network!
This newsletter brings so much information about what lies ahead for our students. Please read about the Student Leadership Conference: Emerging Leaders which will be held June 13-16 in Cleveland at Beaumont School and Ursuline College. The CORE committee has been meeting to design a program that will benefit the students as well as their home schools in a significant way. Each meeting with this committee results in development of beneficial opportunities for the participants. This summer will be quite a new beginning to a long-standing program offered by UEN.
In the fall, UEN will partner again with the Caritas Center/Brescia University to offer a conference for campus ministers and students. It promises to be as engaging as the fall conference of 2021, but this time with students involved. Please consider sending a contingent from your school! More information will be available soon, but feel free to contact me anytime.
Finally, through the generosity of the Ursuline Education Network Trustees, school participation for each of our member schools to each of the six sessions of the Sisters’ Convocation will be provided free of charge. Please be sure to read about how your faculty and students will be able to participate!
As I close this newsletter, I think about St. Angela’s words regarding changing with the times. This has been a busy year, but we have accomplished so much for this incredible foundation! Ursuline Education Network, started by the Ursuline Sisters and continuing through the support of each member school “changes” as the times require. The charism is the same, the passion continues in the hands of the laity working with UEN, and the joy is never-ending as we seek to assist all of our member schools! It is simply a labor of love.
St. Angela Merici
Ursuline Convocation – 2022
Ursuline Prayer
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Gracious God, let us remain in harmony, united together all of one heart and one will. Let us be bound to one another by the bond of love, respecting each other, helping each other, and bearing with each other in Jesus Christ. For if we try to be like this, without any doubt, the Lord God will be in our midst. Amen
St. Angela, watch over us all our days.
St. Ursula, protect our future.
Sister Pharmacist-History Highlight
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Founded in 1727 by the Sisters of the Order of Saint Ursula, Ursuline Academy of New Orleans enjoys the distinction of being both the oldest, continuously-operating school for girls and the oldest Catholic school in the United States. Convinced that the education of women was essential to the development of a civilized, spiritual, and just society, the Ursuline Sisters influenced culture and learning in New Orleans by providing an exceptional education for its women.
Among the second group of arrivals to the young city of New Orleans in 1732 was an Ursuline nun, Sister St. Francis Xavier Hebert, the first director of the French Royal Hospital. She planted a garden next to her hospital pharmacy in the courtyard of the Old Ursuline Convent. It was rich in plants and herbs which she used in her ministry of healing by creating medicinal potions and remedies for the soldiers and community.
Sister St. Francis Xavier Hebert is historically recognized as the first female pharmacist in the United States. Her contributions to Ursuline and the City of New Orleans are honored every year during the blessing of the Academy’s garden.
The Ursuline tradition holds many United States firsts in its dedication to the growth of individuals, including the first female pharmacist, first woman to contribute a book of literary merit, first convent, first free school and first retreat center for ladies, first classes for female African-American slaves, free women of color and Native Americans. In the region, Ursuline provided the first center of social welfare in the Mississippi Valley, first boarding school in Louisiana and the first school of music in New Orleans.
Picture of St. Angela
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Charism of St. Angela Merici
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Sr. Jean Hopman, O.S.U.
President’s Reaction to Presentation on Charism of Angela Merici and the Ursulines
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Eileen Davidson, President, The Ursuline School, New Rochelle, NY
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Deepening Spirituality in Our Lives
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Ursula’s Story
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Challenges We Face in Living out The Mission as Catholic/Ursuline Schools in The 21st Century
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Peace & Justice
Resources For Fair Trade / Ethically Sourced Clothing
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- Book: Rivoli, Pietra. The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy: An Economist Examines the Markets, Power, and Politics of World Trade. 2nd edition, 2015
- Documentary: The True Cost (available on Netflix)
- Fair World Project Publication
- Where Does Your T-Shirt Come From? Follow Its Epic Global Journey
Global Sisterhood Project
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This year at the Student Leadership Conference we gave the title, “Global Girl Day” to the third and final day of our time together. Meghan Clarke (graduate of Cincinnati Ursuline Academy) who owns her own consulting firm in Cincinnati led the students in activities geared toward an awareness of and appreciation for diversity and inclusion. As part of the program, the students viewed sections of the film, Girl Rising. With this as background the students researched several agencies that serve women and children around the world who are live in poverty and unaided would not be able to live and thrive. The students were divided into 5 groups and each group was assigned an agency/program to research. Then each group presented the work of “their” agency to the whole group, explaining why this should be the agency to receive support from the Ursuline schools. See attached files below.
The students voted to support an agency whose goal is to provide education for Afghan girls. You can learn about it through their website:
The end result of our Global Girl Day is to promote the participation of all the Ursuline high schools in this endeavor. All Ursuline high schools are invited to join with each other in the Sisterhood Project. The students began the discussion of how they might bring this project to life in their schools, but much more time and effort is needed for this project to become a reality. We asked the students to talk with the administration in their schools to plan how this project can be incorporated into the life of their school in the 2014-15 school year.
Thank you in advance for working with your student leaders to make an all-Ursuline Sisterhood Project a reality. As the school year goes on, I will be asking you for your comments on this project so that we can improve it in subsequent Student Leadership Conferences. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me.
Judy Wimberg
PS The 2015 Student Leadership Conference in 2015 will be in Cleveland, June 22-26. Thank you to our host, Beaumont School.
See comments below from Meghan Clarke facilitator of Ursuline’s Student Leadership Conference:
The Lab
Charism Course
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Sacred Heart Academy
Senior Theology, Semester II (2015)
Ursuline Charisms and Heritage Course
Instructor: Tess Gates
STEM and Ursuline Education
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Presenter: Diana Stano OSU, President of Ursuline College, Cleveland
Atlas Curriculum Mapping: Moving Towards an Integrated Curriculum
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Amy Baker and Jennie Paz Meirose
Naviance/Method Test Prep Presentation and Lesson Plans
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Angela Lechleiter, LPCA
College Counselor
Sacred Heart Academy
Robots: Really?
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The presentation covered various ways to add robotics lessons to your math, science and engineering classes. Information was given on various types of robotics, from robots made from toys and “junk” to robotics class kits, and thought on programming languages. There was also opportunities for hands-on time with the robots.
Presenter: Doug Porter: Science Teacher St. Ursula Academy, Cincinnati
5th year (20th year in education)
B.A. Anthropology University of Cincinnati
B.S. Biology Northern Kentucky University
M.Ed. Indiana Wesleyan University
NASA Educator Astronaut Teacher
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STEM Education: Why and How to Encourage Students to Choose STEM Field
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STEM Education: Why and How to Encourage Students to Choose STEM Fields, Sarah Preston, Ursuline College (choose notes view to see select references, details, and resources)
College Readiness in Science, Sarah Preston, Ursuline College
Engineering Our Future – Teaching Engineering in the High School Setting
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3-D Printing
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I was going to post the powerpoint, but it is too large. Here is the web address where they can download the powerpoint together with the materials and contact information for Joe Muskin at the University of Illinois Nano-cemms center.
* This learning module is one of a series that is designed to interest middle and high school students in pursuing this new field. The Center also offers ongoing professional development for teachers through a continuous series of workshops and institutes. To sign up for a workshop or to order more learning modules, visit our website at
* For more information, contact: Center for Nanoscale Chemical-Electrical-Mechanical Manufacturing Systems; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 4400 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, 105 South Mathews Avenue, MC-244, Urbana, IL 61801
* Phone: 217.265.0093 Email: sends e-mail) Website: